Watch the video to learn more about Doctor G's most popular group program.
The group starting March/APRIL 2025 is Sold Out! Enroll now to be on the waitlist for cancellations or take your spot in the Group starting August 22, 20205
To participate in the program that has reversed Lupus, Scleroderma, Sjogren's RA, Glaucoma, MS, Uveitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Dermatomyositis, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and other diseases for almost half the cost of the 4-Week Private Rapid Recovery Program, and get 6 weeks of support in a supportive group environment in our private Facebook group.
Participate in the program that has reversed Lupus, Scleroderma, Sjogren's RA and other disease for less than half the cost of 4 weeks one on one, and get 6 weeks of support instead of 4 weeks in a supportive group environment!
Program Includes:
- Access to Dr. Goldner' private facebook support group where you can get and give support, accountability and ask your questions and get daily bonus videos and education to motivate, educate and inspire you. All coaching and support is given within this facebook group.
- Weekly LIVE group meetings with Dr. Goldner and Thomas Tadlock for support, education, accountability and to answer all of your questions - now you can join us on zoom FOR LIVE COACHING in the group meetings.
- Daily Journal to log everything you eat, moods, symptoms, and struggles
- Daily Feedback on your journal, performance on the plan, and questions answered daily by our Rapid Recovery coaches, Dr. Goldner and Thomas Tadlock.
- Access to group recipes, guidance for your diet, and changes and personalizations to your program based on your results.
- Daily Videos for Support, Education and Motivation in the Group every day to keep you motivated and on track.
- Additional weekly assignments to help you overcome self sabotage, low moods, and negative thoughts to accelerate your recovery and add more happiness to your life.
- BONUS - Free digital copy of Dr. G's Book, Green Smoothies for Health & Healing, How to Detox Your Body and Start Healing Today!
- BONUS - Free digital copies of the Rapid Recovery Recipes in Dr. Goldner's new book Goodbye Lupus, Hello Delicious
Please note: this program cannot and should not be used in lieu of medical care for your illness. Dr. Goldner does not practice medicine in this group, it is designed to focus on your nutrition and lifestyle habits to optimize disease reversal while you receive medical care from your current physician. We recommend you consult your doctor before doing any nutrition program.
6 Full Weeks of Daily Support Only $3495
Sign up now to reserve your spot in the next group.
Hear what recent graduates of the 6 Weeks Rapid Recovery Group have to Say:
Ellen is Saying Goodbye Sjogrens & CIRS
Ellen joined our 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group with a diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome and CIRS which caused her to feel tired and unwell. She had pain and found herself unable to recover from exertion or exercise. She also had sleep issues.
Amy Said Goodbye Lupus & Sjogrens - Still Healthy 3 Years Later!
Here is Amy 3 years AFTER saying Goodbye Lupus & Sjogrens syndrome in my 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group!
Stacey Walters graduated our group last year with amazing results for her health and moods.
She had a recent health scare, but came through it to realize that her health is so good now that she came through with ease and better than ever. She was so happy, she emailed this video to share.
Liz Says Goodbye Autoimmune Disease
Liz came to us after getting a sudden onset of arthritis, with positive ANA and inflammation markers.
Mary Says Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis
Mary joined our group to reverse pain, obesity, fatigue, and low moods.
At first, Nikola struggled to get on plan at first, but with our daily help and support he did it, and by the 6th week in the group, his labs showed NEGATIVE for proteinuria and all normal lab tests for kidney function.
Connie is a recent graduate from our 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group She came in with hypothyroid, neuropathies, low energy and low moods. In 6 weeks she improved in every area
Andrew Says Goodbye High Blood Pressure Blood Sugar & Obesity
Goodbye obesity - he is at his goal weight! Goodbye high blood sugar - normal blood sugars in only in 3 weeks Goodbye high blood pressure - off bp meds in 3 weeks Hello healthy mindset! He has struggled with these chronic issues for years, and they are all completely GONE in less than 6 weeks in our 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group!
Bakhtawar Says Goodbye Lupus
She followed my plan from her appointment and her symptoms were getting better and better. She decided to lock her recovery in with maximal support by joining my 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group last September. When the group ended, her energy was high and her pain was gone.
Nurse Peggy Says Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis!
Nurse Peggy was in our last 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group and told us she would love for us to share what she told us in the last meeting about her results!
Stephanie & Michelle: Twins Saying Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis & Lupus
Stephanie and Michelle are twins that did my 6 week rapid recovery group to heal from Lupus that plagued them from childhood. AIP and Paleo only made things worse. They started getting better after following my free webinar classes and then ultimately enrolled in my group one after another to go all out and get their health back. They feel amazing now and are thriving! They made this video for me to share with you. Let's celebrate them and be inspired that you can do it!
Laura struggled with constant pain and fatigue from Rheumatoid Arthritis. She joined my 6 week rapid recovery group and not only did she feel amazing, her labs showed her RA was gone!
Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis!
Dr. Porto's ANA was Negative after only 6 Weeks AND a 5cm Ovarian Tumor DISAPPEARED.
Patricia Is Saying Goodbye Neuromyelitis Optica
Patricia joined our 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group at 64 with Neuromyelitis Optica, a rare autoimmune disease that damages the spinal cord and optic nerves.
Colleen is saying goodbye Hashimoto's, Diabetes and More
Colleen is 64, and came to my group with Hashimoto's, diabetes, aches and pains and more. By the end of the group, she felt awesome! Check her out!
Nadia Said Goodbye Neurological disorder, anxiety & more
Nadia was suffering from scary neurological symptoms, joint pain, dry skin and dry eyes, as well as anxiety and other symptoms that made her feel sick and scared.
Charlotte Is Saying Rheumatoid Arthritis
Charlotte had severe pain all over her body and fatigue from RA that stopped her from living her life and parenting the way she wanted to. This is a clip from the last live meeting at the end of the 6 weeks – she is vibrant, energetic and feeling amazing!
Danielle Says Goodbye chronic pain & hypothyroidism
Goodbye Pain, Fatigue, depression, & from hypothyroid: Recovery Group Results Danielle just graduated from the 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group and she made us this celebration video! I am so happy to see her pain-free, laughing, happy, and energetic and feeling 30 years younger! Way to go Danielle! Thank you for sharing your story to inspire others!
Bonnie Says Goodbye RA, Fibromyalgia, and MORE!
She came in with a long list of medical issues and when she graduated she reported that EVERY SYMPTOM she came with was GONE , she also conquered her food addictions, and she had lasting truly positive moods, no longer experiencing the symptoms of PTSD she came in with.
Alitta Reversing Lupus Nephritis
People like Alitta are considered by western medicine to be too far gone to expect any recovery at all, so everything she celebrates here is miraculous - and you can hear it in her voice.
Bernard Says Goodbye Glaucoma & Diabetes at 77 years old
Bernard participated in my 6 Week Rapid Recovery at 77 years old, to try to make a difference in his glaucoma and type I diabetes . He worried about losing his vision from glaucoma. His blood sugars were very hard to control, and his doctor told him to use juice or cheese and crackers to try to control it!
Goodbye Autoimmune Disease! Congratulations Tina!
Tina is a graduate of my 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group and she went from struggling in pain to biking and hiking to mountain tops!
Chef Ron Says GOODBYE Rheumatoid Arthritis & Polymyositis Rheumatica
Chef Ron joined our 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group with severe pain and disability. By halfway through the group Ron was dancing, playing basketball and bubbling with energy! He was so fun at our meetings - full of life, joy and great energy!
Genie Says Goodbye Lupus
Goodbye Sjogren's
Becky was unable to sit even indoors without sunglasses because of her painful sensitive eyes, and it hurt so much to breathe she couldn't talk or sing (which she loved to do). 6 Weeks later she is literally singing for joy. Grab you tissues for this one!
Goodbye Brain Lupus!
Mariana was having daily siezures in the throes of severe Lupus that was affecting her brain. After paritcipating in the 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group Mariana is thriving: no more daily sieaures, her antibodies are dissppearing and she's feeling amazing.
Mary Doesn't Need A Kidney Transplant!
When Mary joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group she had nothing to lose. She was already on the transplant list for a new kidney with only 14% kidney function left. By the end of the 6 weeks, she was up to 27% kidney function and no longer needs a transplant!
Goodbye Sjoegren's!
Karen joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery and all of her Sjogren's symptoms disappeared - just from changing her diet! She also reversed her anti-phospholipid antibody - no more stroke risk!
Tess Gets Her Life Back from Lupus Nephritis!
Tess felt hopeless, exhausted and lost because of Lupus Nephritis. After participating in Dr. Goldner's 6 week Rapid Recovery Group, she has energy, enjoys her family and her life, and has hope for her future.
only $3495
Goodbye Sjogren's & Scleroderma!
Angela joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery and she started making saliva again in 16 days after years of dryness. She also has reversed the red hard skin from Scleroderma and feels energized and happier than she can remember.
Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis!
Dawn joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery because of crippling arthritis and fatigue. She tried so many diets and alternative treatments with no luck. Now look at her go!
Goodbye Lupus!
Genie joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group because she was tired of feeling tired and in pain. In 6 weeks she is energized, feeling great and her labs showed that her ANA went negative and she reversed her anti-phospholipid antibody - no more stroke risk!
Goodbye Psoriatic Arthritis!
Ashley has had Psoriatic Arthirits since she was 8 years old. She was in constant pain, had trouble walking, even washing the dishes, and struggled to be there for her kids. She joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group and she is now pain- free, full of energy, and back to enjoying being a mom again!
Goodbye Sjoegren's!
Joyce was weak and tired and in constant pain. She was losing mobility fast, needing a cane or scooter to get around. Her doctors said nothing will help her - she will end up in a wheelchair. She joined Dr. Goldner's 6 Week Rapid Recovery and her salive came back for the firs time in 24 years! Her legs and coordination are improving and she no longer needs the cane to get around her home!
only $3495